So, I've decided to write a bit about my apartment. It's not so much my style, as it is my style on a budget. It's ever changing, and hopefully always evolving. I find a lot of my things on,,, and in the trash! Also, here in DC we have some AMAZING "junk shops", as well as many many many GREAT chic boutiques. Some of my favorite shops that are not so expensive are: Miss Pixies (Adam's Morgan), Rough & Reddy (U-Street), Georgia Avenue Thrift Store (Georgia Ave.), H-Street thrift store (Capital Hill). Some of my favorite not so inexpensive shops include, but are not limited to: Gore Dean (Georgetown), Good wood (U-Street), And Beige (U-Street/Adam's Morgan), and Baker Furniture (Georgetown.
I attempt to be a minimalist, but I am a maximalist (**one who enjoys much**) at heart. L. M. van der Rohe believed that, "less is more", while others believe that more is more. Me, I believe that if you love it, you should have it.